As a partner, you will also receive an email with a special discount code for our service that you and your clients can use.
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Submit photos
We use the photos submitted to determine the pickup volume and assess which items can be resold, donated or disposed.
Photos can be submitted via our website, via text or, for large pickups, we can do an in-home appointment at your location to take the photos. Make sure to include information such as the brand, original price, and age of more valuable items.
Get Estimate & Schedule
Your clients will receive the estimate, including the cost of the pickup and a resale decision of your items, within one business day. If an item was incorrectly appraised or if you need to add/remove items you can click on the Update Estimate button.
The pickup can be booked by clicking the link in your text/e-mail.
Our team will arrive during the window selected. Your client will receive a text notification when the team is about a half hour from the client's location.
If needed, items can be added by sending a photo to our quick appraisal team.
At the end of the pickup will be able to pay for the pickup via credit card.
Progress After Pickup
Your client will receive an email with a link to their Dashboard where they can track the status of their items and cash out on sales. When they receive this email make sure to log in and verify that everything that was collected is listed. Also, they can add additional information for the resale items that may help us selling the items such as brand, original price, etc.